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DLED9 LED Light Head • Bicolor


The exceptional dedolight DLED9 combines the unique dedolight double aspheric optical system with state-of-the-art *dedocolor LED light sources. 

This light head is available in bicolor version, daylight version, as well as in tungsten version. 

These light heads accepts all of the accessories and projection attachment/imagers which are identical to the ones in our Series 400 lighting fixtures (DLH400DT, DLH650 and DLH436). 

This light is produced in a version for mobile use, although we expect that most of these lights will find their application in studio work.

This fixture offers an:

  • astounding focusing range
  • excellent light and color distribution
  • with perfect color rendering qualities

The available power supplies for this light works with all voltages from 90 - 264 V AC *, and it allows continuous dimming without any color change.

A DMX version of this ballast is also available.

Since all LED light sources are extremely sensitive to heat, this light fixture includes a thermo-sensor with a signal for shutdown of the ballast, should an overheat situation arise under extreme ambient temperature conditions. 
Under normal studio conditions, this light fixture is made for continuous use.


Flood • Medium • Spot

Focus Range (Intensity Range) 50 - 4° (1:12)with optional aspheric wide - angle attachment: 75° - 44 °
Focus Control Two complete turns on focus ring
Color Temperature 2.700K - 6.500K
Power 90 W
Mounting 5/8“ (16 mm) receptacle and 1 1/8“ (28 mm) stud
Operating Position Any
Tilt Control Permanent friction
Accessory Holder Ø 5.1“ (129 mm)
Safety Protection Class III, SELV, IP40
Cooling Passive cooling (no fan)
UV No UV radiation
Weight 8.2 lb (3,700 g)
Size W: 7.95“ (202 mm), L (flood):  9.22“ (234 mm), L (spot): 12.06“ (306 mm), H: 11.43" (290 mm)
PHOTOMETRICS: DLED9-BI Bicolor LED Light Head • measured at 5600K (daylight)
Color temperature continuously adjustable from 2.700 – 6.500K
Distance Meter 1 2 3 4 5 10
Feet 3‘ 6‘ 9‘ 12‘ 15‘ 30‘
Flood Lux 5,050 1,263 561 316 202 50
Foot Candle 469 117 52 29 19 4,7
Medium Lux 6,565 1,591 729 410 263 65
Foot Candle 610 153 68 38 24 6
Spot Lux 43,000 10,750 4,777 2,688 1,720 430
Foot Candle 3,996 999 444 250 160 40
Bicolor in tungsten function ~ 25 % lower output
PHOTOMETRICS: DLED9-D Daylight LED Light Head (5600K)
Distance Meter 1 2 3 4 5 10
Feet 3‘ 6‘ 9‘ 12‘ 15‘ 30‘
Flood Lux 5080 1270 565 318 203 51
Foot Candle 472 118 53 30 19 5
Medium Lux 6600 1650 733 413 264 66
Foot Candle 613 153 68 38 25 5,6
Spot Lux 60000 15000 6666 3750 2400 600
Foot Candle 5576 1394 620 349 223 56
PHOTOMETRICS: DLED9-T Tungsten LED Light Head (3200K)
Distance Meter 1 2 3 4 5 10
Feet 3‘ 6‘ 9‘ 12‘ 15‘ 30‘
Flood Lux 3860 965 429 241 154 39
Foot Candle 359 90 40 22 14 4
Medium Lux 5680 1420 631 355 227 57
Foot Candle 528 132 59 33 21 5,3
Spot Lux 40800 10200 4533 2550 1632 408
Foot Candle 3792 948 421 237 152 38
Price: 1.385,00 € 
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